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in Boatshed Archive
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- Steel Cruiser 73
- Tjalk 63
- Steel River Cruiser 33
- Steel Motor Cruiser 30
- Motor Cruiser 27
- 15m 13
- Motor Barge 13
- Luxe Motor 9
- 27m with London mooring 8
- 15m with London mooring 7
- 17m with London mooring 7
- 22M 7
- 40ft 7
- 60ft 7
- Luxemotor 7
- Steilsteven 6
- 13m 5
- 17m 5
- 24m 5
- 35 Foot 5
- 40 5
- 19m 4
- 20m 4
- 20m with London mooring 4
- 21m with London mooring 4
- 22m with London mooring 4
- 23m 4
- 38ft with London mooring 4
- 54 4
- 58 4
- 65ft 4
- 12m 3
- 23m with London mooring 3
- 30m 3
- 42ft 3
- 50ft 3
- Replica 3
- Sailing Barge 3
- Trawler 3
- 18m 2
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Hull Type
Layout Styles
- Boatshed Bourgogne 162
- Boatshed London 102
- Boatshed Midi Canals 86
- Boatshed Paris 38
- Boatshed Grand Union 17
- Boatshed Medway 17
- Boatshed Essex 16
- Boatshed Suffolk 10
- Boatshed Yorkshire 9
- Boatshed Thames 8
- Boatshed Bristol 7
- Boatshed Kent 5
- Boatshed Plymouth 5
- Boatshed Lancashire 4
- Boatshed Norfolk 4
- Boatshed Brighton 3
- Boatshed Lincolnshire 3
- Boatshed Scotland 3
- Boatshed St Malo 2
- Boatshed Wales 2
- Boatshed 1
- Boatshed Algarve 1
- Boatshed Chichester 1
- Boatshed Cork 1
- Boatshed Hamble 1
- Boatshed Port Solent 1
- Boatshed Sud Med 1
- Boatshed Torbay 1
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Results 1 - 15 of 511